PodcastDirectory.org.uk - only for educators
David Noble, who produces the excellent educational podcasting tips podcast Booruch, has finally managed to launch PodcastDirectory.org.uk. Through Booruch we heard about its planning and preparation and what he has achieved is a well-executed directory with only the stuff that educators are interested in - nothing else. Thanks, David, for the weekly insight to the amazing things going on in Hillside School and for this gift to the community.
Thanks for this Ewan. I've just had a quick glance at Booruch and it looks excellent. I'm downloading the podcasts as we speak (if you know what I mean).
Best wishes
P.S Have you seen today's article Death by PowerPoint in the TES? Interesting stuff.
Integrating ICT into the MFL classroom - www.joedale.typepad.com
Posted by: Joe Dale | September 01, 2006 at 02:53 PM