Tomorrow I am speaking at the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust annual conference in Liverpool. If there had been internet freely available things would be a lot easier (I've never taken so many screen dumps in my life) but the following links will at least give those present the chance to play around when they get home.
- The edublogscom wiki holds some of the modern languages related blog, podcast and wiki examples from North and South of the border which were used to explain the current varied uses for social media in the classroom. Thanks to Joe Dale for sourcing some English examples.
- The MFLE carries god information on getting started with new technologies in MFL. Take a look under the Creative Teaching section. Currently, a lot of the support offered on the forums and the free blogs we give to teachers on, which enables easy podcasting, are only for Scottish teachers due to the nature of Glow, the national intranet.
- For very easy web-based podcast creation, file storage and publication nip over to
- is great for getting students to use what they have done on school trips and share it with other learners. Take a look at Ewan's photo tour of Paris (well, the Eiffel Tower at least) and the video examples from this year's SETT Learning Festival.
- If you use to share your photos as a class you can add them to a map within Flickr. Some cities, though, appear less well here than in Google Maps / Google Earth / The wadvantage with Flickr is that students can label photos with their own notes: see an arty example from the LTS Flickr pages.
- For geotagging photos and linking them into a "fly-in" on Google Earth the links I made for these Highland teachers will be of use.
There will almost certainly be other links I post in coming days in follow-up to questions or requests. Likewise, leave a comment here if you think I'm missing things out that MFL teachers might appreciate knowing.
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