From my good friend Stephen Downes comes this tip, a superb student-made film taking most of the life you can have on Bebo and putting it into real life. Or is it the other way around?
Created by Allan Dixon (that's my first link to someone's Bebo page and not a 'regular' blog, btw) and his friends, who study in Dublin at DCU doing Digital Media Engineering, although that apparently has nothing to do with the "cool video stuff".
A superb resource here, in fact, for getting kids talking about the consequences of their Bebo actions in real life, too. Brill!
This is a fantastic video. With all sorts of potential not just for using with pupils but also for using for staff and parent awareness. Thanks for sharing this. Ollie
Posted by: OllieBray | November 11, 2006 at 11:01 AM
This is a superb video. Following a converstation I had on Friday, I will be sure to pass this on to the guidance staff at Knox.
Posted by: Tess Watson | November 11, 2006 at 11:20 AM