November 29, 2006

Wiki Case No. 2: Run the business, aggressive use of wiki

Customware use a wiki as their homepage and company website. Many small companies are Heavy Users of wikis, using 100s of wikis in every aspect of their business, but large cos like Cisco (John'll be happy), Google and BEA do this, too

At the LTSFutures meeting this week we did discuss (quite ernestly on my part) the possibility of making LTS's site wiki based. Could this happen? Yes. Would this happen? I don't know. I think there's still a need in the minds of some educators and managers for a 'definitive source' of guidance in some areas. But in most of LTS's work I feel sure that the collective intelligence of our users - teachers - is far greater than any one Development Officer could glean through their contacts book and telephone.

What do you think of the concept?


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Do you think the control freaks (and there are some in every organisation) could bear it? or would there be apoplexies all around?

Using the Wiki as our website was natural for us to do and we've since started doing this for other organistaions that we are involved with, including

Having the site built on a wiki means that the entry to the site can be lightweight and can layer a nice professional feel on top of typically geek-looking wiki content.

I think it would take a 'from-the-top' decision to do it, which is why Rob's company have managed, I'm sure. There would also be a 'quality control' element, but I don't see why we can't give people the choice to go to the more wikipedia style site.

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About Ewan

Ewan McIntosh is the founder of NoTosh, the no-nonsense company that makes accessible the creative process required to innovate: to find meaningful problems and solve them.

Ewan wrote How To Come Up With Great Ideas and Actually Make Them Happen, a manual that does what is says for education leaders, innovators and people who want to be both.

What does Ewan do?

Module Masterclass

School leaders and innovators struggle to make the most of educators' and students' potential. My team at NoTosh cut the time and cost of making significant change in physical spaces, digital and curricular innovation programmes. We work long term to help make that change last, even as educators come and go.

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