November: My favourite moments from 2006 on
Continuing some navel-gazing to get a sense of where I want to go next, November was a month of negotiation, compromise and the occasional element of frustration with it all, whatever 'it' was.
3rd: The new East Lothian social media service was hatched and will become beta this January.
4th: Social media pulled the biggest crowd at The Language Show.
7th: I found out what I would be doing in Boston in 2007.
8th: The Glow portal is launched for trial and East Lothian bloggers are the most prominent reporters on it.
22nd: The Executive Board of RM want to see what they might do in Virtual Learning Environments 2.0 and take some ideas from a young upstart seriously.
26th: I make some Live Web bucks from Scoopt - Shel gets a story for his book.
27th: LTS gets serious about the Live Web - but will it last? Talk about resolutions for the new year... ;-)
29th: I was lucky enough to swap ideas on stage with Scoble, Bellinger, Locke, Kronin-Lukas and Edwards.
30th: A last minute invitation to join the entrepreneurs at MediaTech2.006 led to some interesting encounters and discoveries with the guys from Bebo, MoBuzzTV and PageFlakes. The latter will hopefully become part of the eduBuzz toolset. I also got a flavour of how the mobile web might shape up and how it links into education as well as its pole opposite, the 10 foot zone of IPTV.
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