February 10, 2007

Social media doesn't allow us to wait

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Or, at least, it's silly for any organisation to wait for launch date, press release time or some pre-defined notion of when we, the public, should be allowed to know anything.

Big bro blogs about how the Observer, his newspaper's sister Sunday edition, broke a story on the web on Thursday night. Rather than wait until Sunday morning to give this exclusive, with the risk that someone else would blog about it or catch the story first, the Sunday paper broke it 60 hours early.

This past week I've been talking and hearing about the importance of failure and how to capitalise on your own failures - more on that later - but most of the time failure comes down to just a couple of things.

One is not preparing the purpose of what you want to produce and creating something nobody wants. The second, paradoxically, is over-planning, not releasing anything or keeping communications to a minimum until you've 'got something to show' and, then, missing the boat.

The Observer shows how to avoid the latter, and The Guardian has been pretty damn good at managing the balance between thinking about doing stuff and just doing it (they're the best in the world at newspaper blogging and podcasting, bar none).

But it's still difficult for organisations (including the ones I work for) and individuals (above all me) to find the balance between these two crucial anti-failure ingredients. What else do you think is required in the anti-failure recipe?


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About Ewan

Ewan McIntosh is the founder of NoTosh, the no-nonsense company that makes accessible the creative process required to innovate: to find meaningful problems and solve them.

Ewan wrote How To Come Up With Great Ideas and Actually Make Them Happen, a manual that does what is says for education leaders, innovators and people who want to be both.

What does Ewan do?

Module Masterclass

School leaders and innovators struggle to make the most of educators' and students' potential. My team at NoTosh cut the time and cost of making significant change in physical spaces, digital and curricular innovation programmes. We work long term to help make that change last, even as educators come and go.

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