East Lothian might have fastest internet yet...
Most of the things I was doing with the Computing Studies teachers on Friday were web-based. I don't apologise for showing teachers the opportunities that come from being web-based, even if the networks we have in East Lothian are creaking at the moment. Why? Not some sadistic pleasure I get from showing things that could be done, but rather showing the exciting stuff that could be going on outside in the 'extended classroom' (the home, the street) if they want it to.
Good news is, Karen thinks things might be back on track after some delays with the new Wide Area Network in East Lothian that will make the Authority one of the fastest in the country, at 100Mbs in each of our six secondaries and 10Mbs in each Primary school. Here's hoping that we might start the new academic year with some super slick pipes through which to pump our (pretty slick ;-) eduBuzz service.
It'll be great if it comes together. PL's current Internet access is basically no access at all.
Posted by: Robert Jones | March 12, 2007 at 06:03 PM
I think that goes for most of our schools at the moment. Hopefully that's about to change
Posted by: Don Ledingham | March 12, 2007 at 07:11 PM
Please tell them to hurry up! The Second phase of the Glow trial is to commence after the Easter break. Mind you, this time we can access Glow from home:)
Posted by: Tess Watson | March 13, 2007 at 09:52 PM