Update: After getting caught out by the latest loss-of-keyboard bug to affect Macs, my learning log will be waiting until the new year, or at least until I can find a cheap USB keyboard to get into the stuff I've already prepared. It was getting interesting, as well...
This week, in between a pretty hectic winding up for two weeks of holiday, I'm going to run through my annual learning log review. It's more for me to see what I've done, what I've forgotten about, what I've got very wrong, and what opportunities remain to be harnessed, but it might be of interest to readers, too. 2006's was good fun anyway.
This year has been fairly mega, its highlight par excellence my beautiful daughter, Catriona, who came into being the same week my papers for becoming self-employed came through. My timing couldn't have been better; a wee one sharpens one's mind somewhat more than before. By the time she was two months old she had already circumnavigated the globe with her mum and me. A truly world-is-flat baby.
This year has involved travel across Scotland and the rest of the UK, 12 other countries on 2 continents, including nearly 40 keynotes, about 20 workshops, and ongoing consultancies with about a dozen world-leading media, education and business organisations, including a new 'day job' with my main employer, Learning and Teaching Scotland, helping define the learning landscape for our education Directors and politicians, and translate that vision into innovation in our classrooms.
So what made this year tick for me? Who did I find inspiring and what lessons did I learn? What were the key moments for me personally, but more importantly for education, technology and social media in the wider world, through the eye-piece of edu.blogs.com? Bear with me over the next week in the run up to Christmas as I head down my learning log's memory lane:
Related posts:
1/5: Hit or miss? Spotting innovation that's worth spotting
2/5: The changing ways of the public sector
3/5: eduBuzz: East Lothian online publishing increases 5000%
4/5: Building a business
5/5: Having a bash - social media gets social
Love the picture! A truly modern man...
Posted by: Karyn Romeis | December 17, 2007 at 10:12 AM
She is absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy! The cliche is that they do grow up so quickly, but remain a delight.
Posted by: Karen Anderson | December 20, 2007 at 01:18 AM
This might help:
but you need a keyboard to get it.
Posted by: John | December 24, 2007 at 10:21 AM