An additional new tech creative writing tool, to complement your Tweetories or student-created joined-up writing on Twitter, emerged last month on Facebook and I've been enjoying writing with friends, creating some weird stories. The "Just Three Words" application invites you and your friends to create whole stories, but each person can only contribute three words at any one time.
Just to give a flavour, here's one rated a 'ribtickler' by Facebookers in which I have had a dubious hand:
...supercharged bowel gurgled ominously and he was forced to ask Sarah for an alka-seltzer. Sarah knew the mistake was her's not to give, but to command! " My Lord, you must ratify Kyoto II (This Time without Fart-Clause-33b-A67) for the alka-seltzer to be established as a cure-all". Methane gas and undiluted CO2 emissions, plus excessive sulphate leaked from under Lord Underpant's kilt scorching the purple tarmac. The crowd could barely contain their chicken vindaloos, some didn't, the stench mingling with the foetid air, forming a cocktail of nausea inducing gas, which brought more chicken korma...
How would you continue it?
Both Twittories and the Just Three Words application could be used 'offline' in any language classroom. I wonder how many, though, would prefer to use their mobile or social network than a postit note in the 21st century classroom?
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