Tomorrow night nearly 100 of us are meeting in Redbridge to the north east of London for TeachMeet08 NE London, organised on the fly, on the back of a trip I'm making to the borough that morning. It's not too late to sign up and come and listen to some of the 26 proposed micro- and nano-presentations from teachers, ICT Coordinators and inventors.
I'm thrilled to have the chance to see yet more innovations from (almost) old friends Drew Buddie, Andy "take a look at this little gadget" Black and Softease's Peter Sadler (they're once more sponsoring the event as, I would guess, the principal company that gets the live web in designing its products). I want to nab Richard Millwood for a much overdue pint, and can't wait to hear how you teach folk fiddle over Moodle. I wonder if they do mandoline...
Better still, though, is to get a chance to see what those in the council I'm working with are already doing. Many will have been hard at the chalkface as the ICT event carried its course during the day, and this is our chance to have a two-way chat about where things are and where they could be headed. It's rare to get that as a speaker, and will make the day so much more enrichening for both me and the Redbridge teachers. It'll also be a great chance to have a chilled chat with Anthony Evans, the Primary ICT consultant that has been behind much (no, sorry, all) of the organising of this TeachMeet.
Hi Ewan, is this the one?
Posted by: Ian U | May 19, 2008 at 07:51 PM
Ewan, not sure if this will win the prize but I found the visualiser brilliant for:
- classes you can't turn your back on
- helping complete worksheets
- fast switching between multiple media (PC, DVD, camera)
- "gather round" whilst staying in your seat and getting a better view
- blowing up 35mm slides
- suddenly embarrassing the kid at the back chewing gum or picking his nose
- managing focus in a really slick and engaging way
Downside 1: there can be professional strife with colleagues if there's less than one per lab
Downside 2: my new school doesn't have one!!!
Great stuff @teachmeetnl.
Posted by: Nick Hood | May 20, 2008 at 12:11 AM
Enjoyed myself through Flasmeeting last night. Heard some great stuff, got some more stuff to look into.
Bringing your own beer is not quite the same as drinking the sponsor's but for once it was ok.
We're in need of a Dutch TeacMeet. I'm working on it Ewan.
Posted by: Fons van den Berg | May 20, 2008 at 10:53 AM
Too later for the visualiser.
Posted by: Tess Watson | May 20, 2008 at 03:36 PM
Hi Ewan (and all),
Basic bleg here--Becta has asked us to do some research on harnessing technology to help schools deliver business processes. Would love to engage with all interested parties. Beginning efforts on our blog are at:
Definitely need seasoned education bloggers to tell us where we are being 'Captain Obvious' or, worse, where we are way off the mark.
Posted by: Tom Fuller | May 23, 2008 at 04:53 PM