At Creative Partnerships' National Conference (UK)
"Absolutely excellent. A gifted speaker who left me feeling motivated and inspired ready to take on lots of new challenges."
"The Heads really responded very well to Ewan's talk, the tone and content was pitched perfectly and in a world of assessment and looming Ofsted, to have time to listen to a truly inspirational speaker was extremely welcoming proposition for the teachers." Local Authority Director (School District Superintendent)
At the National College for School Leadership (UK)
"Practical and achievable ideas"...
"The presentation was stunning. Very inspiring."
At The Scottish Government
"The response has been unequivocally positive." Civil Service Social work senior manager
"After 26 years of teaching it was nice to be inspired again."
At Local Authority events
"The feedback from the delegates on both Ewan’s workshop and his keynote were very positive. They found him entertaining, inspirational and "excellent". That goes for me to. I thought he brought some poignant messages and challenges to the audience and gave them plenty to think about." East Sussex County ICT Conference Chair, John Moore.
"Forget a day at Alton Towers, or a few days in Las Vegas. You were a ray of sunshine in my life today, thought I was going to a boring day about ICT in the county. Instead it was a day about what we can do... not what we have already done." Classroom teacher, England.
"Absolutely riveting... fascinating and inspirational"
"Lots of realistic and practical ideas"
"The best workshop of the day - excellent ideas to encourage learning and teaching for all."